I have been thinking about this weekend and what the agent and I have planned for it. This reminds me of another Castle Coop Good Thing….
Item no. 6 on Castle Coop Good Things list: The Friday Night Foyle’s War Club!
Just before Christmas, it was my birthday and the agent had a brainwave. Underneath the wrapping paper of a very pleasingly solid feeling present which rattled a little when shaken, lay….a box set of ‘Foyle’s War’.
It was ‘The Complete Collection’!!
I was simply thrilled; Detective Chief Superintendent Christopher Foyle is one of my top favourite heroes and now I have 25 discs to watch him being heroic on – how great is that!! I only have 2 discs with Mr. Darcy on. Sometimes, ITV3 shows an episode of Foyle’s War on Saturday nights which I tape but then I never seem to organise myself enough watch it. They are all in a funny order and I get in a muddle. So as you may imagine, to have them now on DVD is very exciting.I was so delighted to get such a dream birthday present that I rang up Lady Egality immediately because she is a devoted fan of Mr. Foyle too!
Our new Club:
Straight away, we invented a ‘Friday Night Club’ to watch Foyle’s War. Currently we have three members: Lady Egality, the Graf ( von Blommehön) and me! The agent is not a member. He always goes to the Ox and Moose on Friday nights to celebrate the end of the working week with Sir Plym and the Chairman of the Village Hall; how could they choose the Ox and Moose over wonderful Michael Kitchen, Anthony Howell and Honeysuckle Weeks? We three however all agree that it is completely fab to sit on the sofa together and watch the Hastings Police Force in their waistcoats and dashing fedora hats, whizz all over the place as they chase villains to preserve law and order during the Second World War. It is a very soothing way to wind up the week and feels most companionable. If you love Foyle’s War too, do let me know in the comment box below – I can sign you up as an honorary member of our ‘Friday Night Club’ in a jiffy!
There seems to have been an astonishing amount of crime going on in Hastings during WW2. Our village policeman (who does not wear a three piece suit or dashing hat in which to uphold the rule of law and order) is part-time. We’ve all noticed that he times his beat so that he shows up during our library coffee mornings in the Village Hall. Luckily for us there is not much crime in Castle Coop: luckily for Pc. Ixworth, there are lots of biscuits.
Yours cosily,
Post Script: I am very happy to announce that with the enrollment of Martha in America and Digby D, also in America, (please see comment section below) we are now ‘ The International Friday Night ‘Foyle’s War’ Club’ (I.F.N.F.W.C) ! How great is that! I think I’d better design a Club Tie for all members to wear during meetings.
Just stumbled and fell on this!; how might one join your Friday night club?
Dear Miss Peppermint,
I am absolutely delighted that you think you would like to join our Friday Night Club and shall enrol you immediately as a Virtual Member! If you would care to take out a subscription to The Awesome Hen (please see application box on right-hand side), I shall be able to send you all future Club Minutes automatically. LLH
Please sign me up! I am an equally devoted fan and would love to share some Friday Foyle’s with you
You are now officially signed up! Wecome to the I.F.N.F.W.C.!
Well, sign me up for the I.F.N.F.W.C! We in America love Foyle’s War too, and it would perhaps be nice if we all watch the same episode(s) and then comment on them afterward? So even those of us who are “virtual” members of The Club, can feel a part as well! Any chance to talk about FW and “The Man” is treat indeed. Oh, how can I put my favorite avatar on your comment site?
Oh, never mind, I found out how to get the avatar on! He looks good, doesn’t he?
He looks fab!
Wouldn’t that be a brilliant wheeze! Let’s do it!
My mother, who after much persuasion has recently accepted an upgrade her technology to include a dvd player, called me today. I was surprised to find during our conversation she had never seen Foyle’s War. Perhaps she could be enticed to join the club?
I shall send her a club tie as an incentive
I wouldn’t be so quick to cut Sherlock out of the race! Having never seen Foyle’s war, I can not comment as to its quality. However, noting the fine television connoisseurs (very impressed with myself that I spelled that right on my first go of it), I may consider adding it to my own personal viewing rotation.
All that being said, Sherlock is also a fine bit of TV programming especially if one enjoys the thrills of sleuthing!
Mon cher Emilio, do let’s set up a sleuth viewing quid pro quo – you watch an episode of Foyle’s War and I’ll watch an episode of Sherlock. Then we can compare notes!
I wish to be immediately entered as a member. I was watching Foyle’s War on the television last night (the episode where the Americans commandeer a farmer’s land to build an airfield and one of the Americans starts going out with Sam). Does your collection include all the post-war episodes also? (There was also the last episode of season 2 of Sherlock on one of the competing channels – I found Foyle infinitely preferable!)
Dear Digby D, You are enrolled forthwith and now our Friday Club has 2 overseas members, we are an international concern! My collection ends with Season 7 so hopefully the agent might remember about Season 8 for my next birthday. I’ve never seen Sherlock but if you are giving it the thumbs down, perhaps ! won’t worry about establishing a Sunday Night Sherlock Club.
Dear Lady Liberty Hen,
I, like you and your “chicks”, love Foyle’s War; however, I had to buy my own box set. I got seasons one through six on DVD, but season seven is on Blu-Ray (Michael Kitchen in hi-def…..swoon)!
I was just wondering though, who is whom in the picture of The Friday Night Club? It isn’t labeled so I am forced to guess which is whom…or whom is which. Whatever! LOL!
All The Nest…I mean Best!
Martha in America
Dear Martha in America, I am absolutely delighted to sign you up to be an honorary member of our Friday Night Club straight away. We can swoon together from both sides of the ocean! In the picture, Lady Egality (my best friend) is wearing a necklace, the Graf is in the middle and I am wearing some stripy tights that I suspect might be a mistake although I loved them in the shop. Best wishes, Lady Liberty Hen