It’s Foyle’s War Night – HURRAH!
I hope you’re looking forward to the Friday Night Club this evening as much as I am. It is one of my favourite nights of the week.
Minutes from the last Meeting:
Apologies: Lady Egality (our Club Treasurer is on holiday in Dubai with Sir Plym).
Attendees: (Virtual): Martha from America, MohairMK, Kitchentease, C. Nelson, Digby D and ayresorchids. (Actual): The Graf (Chairman), Lady Liberty (Club Secretary), Lady Sebright , Colonel Pyncheon
1. Lady Sebright told me last week (politely but firmly) that she will be making tea tonight. Apparently the way I make it is all wrong and she would like to show me how to make it properly. If any virtual members plan to drink tea while watching Foyle’s War, please make your tea carefully so as not to incur Lady Sebright’s ire.
2. As I am freed up from Tea duties, I shall be providing the biscuits. To accompany our Foyle’s War viewing, Actual members will be eating Shortbread with optional chocolate on top. If Scotland assumes independence from the UK, I hope we shall still be allowed to eat shortbread south of the border but just in case, I thought we’d better make sure of our ration tonight.
3. I have been watching and enjoying very much, the film adaptation of the children’s novel, ‘Goodnight Mister Tom’ during this past week. It is so interesting to compare different takes on the same (ish) subject-matter. Thousands of people leaving London for the safety of the countryside must have had an enormous impact on villages such as Castle Coop (although no evacuees came here as we’re too near RAF Odiham to have been deemed much safer than London. Indeed Odiham was bombed during WW2 and 3 people whose names are on the War Memorial, lost their lives).
3. A reminder to all Club Members – virtual and actual: don’t forget to place a Foyle’s War picture in the room where you are attending the meeting. Our one for tonight’s meeting at Castle Coop for Actual Members is a picture of Foyle wearing his Fedora hat.
The Funk Hole:
Tonight the International Friday Night Foyle’s War Club will be watching ‘The Funk Hole’ : episode 4, Series 2
A robbery of a food warehouse leads the police to question the residents of a local “guest house.” At the same time, Foyle is temporarily suspended from duty when he is reported to have made seditious remarks during an air raid in London. |
Character and plot development
Andrew is temporarily invalided home after a crash in his plane. After some misunderstandings, he and Sam begin seeing each other.
Historical context
In the first year of the war, the British government made dire predictions of the amount of bombing in major cities that would occur and moved large numbers of people out to the countryside. After a while, they reversed these predictions, but certain people preferred to stay in their temporary lodgings, out of danger, which they could do if they could afford to pay. Such hotels and guest houses became known as “funk holes” because their residents’ actions were regarded as cowardice.
(taken from Wikipedia).
Yours, about to drink a spectacular cup of tea hopefully,
Well I think you should do a blind test (using the same tea of course) of various different pots of tea using different methods and see if anyone can actually tell the difference.
What a good idea; we’ll do just that!
Personally I am deeply dubious that even Foyle, who is often seen dispensing tea at home, could distinguish which cup came from which pot.
but he’s a detective extraordinaire. He knows everything!
Don’t want to be counted “absent” from the IFNFWC meeting! This episode always holds a soft spot in my heart as it is the first one I watched, and the one that instantly grabbed me to be the die-hard FW fan I am today!
You are a CORE Member of the IFNFWC!!
Tea made with leaves, hot the pot, heat the milk, milk in first, then sugar, then tea. And this may be less proper… but I don’t steep it long. Don’t like it too strong…
You are quite right; Lady Sebright says tea bags are the route of all (almost) evil….