Christmas Crackers at the Ox and Moose!

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Christmas Crackers at the Ox and Moose!


Way back in November, Sir Plym emailed all Castle Coopians asking if we’d like to sign up for a Christmas get-together supper at the Ox and Moose.


Dear All,

Egality and I would like to invite you to join us for an early Christmas dinner in the Ox and Moose. We have provisionally reserved the whole of the main dining room and are seeking to attract between 25 (the minimum) and 40 (the maximum) villagers.

Together with St Mary’s and the Village Hall, the O&M is one of Castle Coop’s major plus points;  we are keen to support Lady Langshan behind the bar especially as at the same time we can have fun and enjoy some good food and drinkable wine. (Hurrah!)

Lady Langshan from behind the Ox and Moose bar  has offered us a special O and M deal on both the food and the wines with a three course Christmas Fayre meal and a small reduction in the normal prices of the listed wines. 

We are suggesting dinner on  Saturday 6th December at 7.30pm. Please advise us if you’d like to join in by this coming Sunday, 2nd November:

Best wishes,
Plym and Egality
The Agent signed us up toute de suite!

A Box of Crackers!

On Saturday morning, Lady Langshan from behind the Ox and Moose bar, was rushing here, there & everywhere getting everything ready for hosting the Castle Coop Christmas supper. By lunch time she thought she had finished laying up the tables; the Ox and Moose was festooned with ‘Welcome’ bunting and a huge Ox and Moose Christmas Party banner, held up by strategically placed standard lamps was managing to stay put. Completely unexpectedly Sir Burford Brown turned up saying he and Lady Brown wanted their first Christmas in Castle Coop to be “a Cracker”!


A box of crackers

















Lady Langshan  added the crackers to the tables immediately and we all thought the room looked extremely festive – don’t you agree?


Ox and Moose Christmas party 1



Later that night we all had a simply splendid time!


The Graf read his cracker joke out to us

Q. Why is milk fast?

A. because it’s pasturised before you see it!

and then Sir Burford Brown stood up and enacted his joke, walking backwards down the length of the welcome banner saying, “oh, Oh OH!), Apparently he was being Father Christmas on rewind.

We all laughed our heads off (possibly encouraged by the ‘small reduction in the normal prices of the listed wines’).

On finding a whistle in his cracker, Sir Plym immediately brought into play a rule that at every blast of the whistle all the men had to move 2 places clockwise round the tables. Conversation became extremely lively as a result.

Christmas Party at the Ox and Moose

Yours beginning to feel swept up by the Christmas spirit,

LLH signature


  1. Looks like it was a fine event though I can’t help noticing that you have discreetly avoided any mention of either the Agent or the Chairman’s response to the crackers and slightly reduced prices! I am having some trouble identifying them in the picture and wonder if they were under the table by that point? Glad to hear you are in the full swing.

    • I think the phrase ‘a good time was had by all ‘ about covers it !

  2. Who on earth is Sir Burford who so kindly donated the crackers. Must thank him! xx

    • Dear Sir Plym, you’ve made me laugh again! I promise we won’t tell him that you’ve forgottem his name!

  3. Hurrah for Castle Coop -totally magnificent illustrations xxx

    • 🙂 Oh thank you, dear, darling Lady E. Hurrah for you & Sir Plym for organising such a fab evening for us all! What was your cracker joke? I can’t remember it but I know I thought it was funny.
      I still owe you £8.45

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