Back in the saddle!
I’m feeling pretty pleased with myself. 14.17 miles clocked up for the Pedal to Paris training plan- how about that!
It was a beautiful day and I loved my ride whizzing about the Hampshire countryside. Spring was definitely in the air.
The horses in this field must have enjoyed feeling the sun on their backs after all the rain and wind that we had this February.
Here is an old house I passed on my route. When I looked carefully, I saw that the Georgian Brickie had had a very happy time carving 1777 and various initials into the wall.
If you zoom in on this photo by clicking a few times, you will see a W.F. an I.T and an A.K. and then simply loads more Ws. Was the Brickie called Waldo,Walter, Wilfred, William or Wayne maybe? He was clearly delighted with his Ws anyway. It looks as though there was something going on with the window tax as well.
The way you get to see things when on a bike that you miss when in a car is very satisfying.
I had to get off and push up the hills. The agent was concerned that my gears weren’t working properly and seemed astonished when I confessed that it wasn’t the bike’s fault, it was me – I don’t think he approves of getting off and pushing up hills. However, I didn’t have to get off and push going downhill.
Yours speedily (unless going uphill)