‘A Lesson in Murder’!

Posted by in Castle Coop News | 4 comments



 Don’t forget tonight is the 3rd meeting of the International Friday Night Foyle’s War Club!



Minutes of the last meeting:

  • The club tie is still under discussion and all suggestions will be welcomed. Digby D favours a combination of Fedora Hats and the initials F and W scattered on a dark background.
  • A query re refreshments has been raised. Should all provided refreshments  be in keeping with the austerity of the times (bearing rationing in mind) or should they be nice to eat? The chair is open to all views but Lady Liberty has pointed out that as Friday is the end of the working week, the Club membership might tail off rather quickly if nasty biscuits are the only things on offer.


  • We are all very glad to welcome C. Nelson, our latest new member.
  • Date of next meeting: Friday 7th February 2014.
  • Venue: Castle Coop (both actually and virtually)
  • We shall be watching Episode 4, Series 1.


Episode 3, Series 1: A LESSON IN MURDER

Tonight the International Friday Night Foyle’s War Club shall be watching this gripping episode! Here is the run -down:

Foyle investigates the suicide of a pacifist and death threats to the judge who ruled against his conscientious objector status.

Doesn’t it sound exciting! Suicide, death threats, horrid judges and our heroes DCS Foyle, Sergeant Milner and good old Sam Stewart managing to win the day for fair play and traditional values once again. Hurrah!

Last week we took a straw poll amongst our national members as to why Foyle’s War is so totally fab.

Lady Egality thinks the attention paid to getting all the period details  is fascinating and she loves wondering what it must have been like to have been living in the 1940s during a State of Emergency when everyone ‘pulled together’.

The Graf thinks that the plots are very cunningly put together and he says that coming from Scandinavia as he does, he enjoys seeing how ‘English’ it all is.

I like looking at DCS Foyle’s blue eyes and quizzical expression.

international Friday club

Do please leave a comment letting us all know  why you like watching Foyle’s War  – are you historically minded like Lady E, intrigued like the Graf or both? Or…are you just shallow like me! It would be so interesting to find out your views.  N.B.New virtual members to the International Friday Night Foyle’s War Club are most welcome – sign up below if you’d like to join us!

Yours flightily,

LLH signature


  1. I’ll be watching “A Lesson In Murder” with the International FNFWC! I like watching FW for many reasons. Of course the attention to details is amazing, I have family members who lived through that period, and still remember what it was like, and agree that FW is true to the facts. Personally I must say I love the main character (humm…wonder who that is…) and his integrity, sensitivity, intelligence, and downright adorability (oops, my spell checker says that isn’t a word…oh well, DCS Foyle defies words…)

    • The spell checker doesn’t have any imagination. Adorablilty has been deemed to be a perfectly brilliant choice of word by the IFNFWC secretary – that’s me!
      How good that your family verify its period authenticity; that’s what Lady E really loves.

  2. Over here it is on Thursday night as I enjoyed the episode where Milner’s wife is bumped off along with all kinds of other shenanigans, which Foyle of course resolves with his usuall firm stiff upper lip. Thought of you all while watching it.

    I am also impressed at your virtuous training ride in the rain – I am quite surprised that Billy hasn’t chimed in with some suggestions!

    • Thank you for thinking of us – & we love Milner. Wish he were in the new series.
      I think Billy is so impressed by Emilio battling it out in the sub-zero temperatures that my foray out in a little bit of rain doesn’t really rate with him.

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