The International Friday Night ‘Foyle’s War’ Club, Part 2

Posted by in Castle Coop News | 6 comments




Castle Coop’s Friday Night ‘Foyle’s War Club has gone INTERNATIONAL!

Welcome to all new International Virtual Members!



Thanks to the amazing internet, Lady Egality, the Graf and I are absolutely delighted to be able to say hello to Martha from America, Digby D from America, Digby D’s mother (possibly), ‘Mohair MK’ also from America and ‘Kitchentease’ from Canada. How convivial this little club is becoming!


Castle Coop Good Things; Item no. 7:

Tonight’s multi -national viewing event makes me realise that Item no. 7 on Castle Coop Good Things list is definitely the village internet connection!  Crusader Crosses, are interesting and Pirate exercise classes are fun but the world wide web is absolutely fabulous. Here I am sitting in a tiny country village in Hampshire and thanks to twenty-first century technology, Castle Coop can connect right across the globe in a jiffy… it’s incredible!

Tonight I am going to….

  1. host an international club meeting (virtually)
  2. join with Lady Egality and the Graf and toast all I.F.N.F.W.C members with our cups of tea (actually)
  3. point all interested readers to a great Foyle’s War /Michael Kitchen forum at  (virtually and actually).

Guess whom the ‘quietly enigmatic’ site is named after!


‘Mohair’  has made a suggestion:

“it would perhaps be nice if we all watch the same episode(s) and then comment on them afterward? So even those of us who are “virtual” members of The Club, can feel a part as well! Any chance to talk about FW and “The Man” is treat indeed.”

Lady Egality, the Graf and I are definitely up for this idea. Do please join us tonight in spirit if not in body; it would be fab! Then we can all share our opinions – I’d love that…

The White Feather

Tonight we shall be sitting on the sofa watching Episode 2 of Series 1, ‘The White Feather’.


In the meantime, the I.F.N.F.W.C committee is busy designing a club tie. What should it look like? Here are two ideas for your consideration:

club tie 3hat jpg


Lady Egality and I thought a stripy pattern would be elegant…

Here I am on the catwalk modelling the alternative version. Cara Delavingne pitched for the job but I won it!

club tie 1 modelling


Please let me know your thoughts.


Yours clubbily,

LLH signature






  1. My theory, when it comes to what you consume on Friday nights with the tea, is that Sam would want you to have the very best biscuits available on her behalf, deprived as she was. And bon-bons, to boot!

    Can you get Lefèvre Utile Petit Écoliers, with milk/dark/white chocolate?

    Oh, and may I sign on? Calling from America. ; )

    • Dear ‘Calling from America’,
      Your theory sounds an extremely well-thought out to me. With any luck, we will find that Sam would want us to have all sorts of other things too: I have my eye on an awfully nice pair of shoes – given Sam’s coupon problem, I’m hopeful she would love me to get them for her to enjoy twirling about in vicariously.
      You will be glad to know that I have looked for and found the biscuits – chocolat au lait -10 for £3.45, chocolat noir -10 for £3.65. No white chocolate found yet. Lady E (aka Club Treasurer) has approved the request as an entirely reasonable use of Club funds. Bons-bons have also been approved.
      I am delighted to enrol you immediately as a new International Friday Night Foyle’s War Club Member –
      Thank you for joining us! Lady Liberty

  2. I assume also that your gatherings feature appropriately period refreshments – two rationed biscuits to be fought over and the like?

    • We only drink tea so far. I’m not sure about rationing biscuits – I’m far too greedy. I’d better look at Dad’s army and see what Walker managed to get hold of on the Black Market.

  3. I think White Feather was the first episode of Foyle that I ever saw back in the deep past. I was hooked immediately (though not being the proud possessor of the complete dvd set, I don’t think I have ever seen Season 1, Episode 1.) Over here PBS is showing episodes on Masterpiece Mystery – I missed last week but the one before was where Sam is hospitalized after being exposed to anthrax.
    I will vote for version two of the tie – though I am not sure a heart is the most appropriate symbol. Perhaps a fedora?

    • I’ll draw it up so that members can see how it looks (although I do so love DCS Foyle that the heart just crept in)

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