Friday Night Foyle’s War Club: Broken Souls!
Club notes: All the Actual Members of the Friday Night Foyle’s War Club were watching tonight’s episode of Foyle’s War together again. Hurrah!
D Day:
Tonight I am posting this after we have watched ‘Broken Souls’. There was no time to post earlier today as we have been watching the BBC coverage of the 70th Anniversary of June 6th, 1944 D Day Normandy Landings most of the day. You may find some photographs of the D Day Landings published by the Huffington Post
A Fantastic D Day story – The Great Escape (2014 style):
There’s nothing broken about this soul!
Hero’s welcome for runaway D-Day veteran The 89-year-old war veteran who slipped out of his care home to attend D-Day commemorations in Normandy has arrived back in the UK to a hero’s welcome |
International Friday Night Foyle’s War Club Minutes:
Apologies: None Attendees: (Virtual): Martha from America, MohairMK, Kitchentease, C. Nelson, Digby D, ayresorchids, Miss Peppermint and British Detectives from America. (Actual): The Graf von Blommehön (Chairman), Lady Egality (Club Treasurer), Lady Liberty (Club Secretary) Lady Sebright and Colonel Pyncheon Venue: Castle Coop and various international locations. Announcements: 1.I copy this information in from in case any Friday Night Foyle’s War Club member might wish to see the video.
Honeysuckle Weeks will be interviewed tonight on the Late Late Show by Foyle’s War super fan, Craig Ferguson.
Click this youtube link for this interview (at 28.50) but alas IMO, it is not worth watching.
2. During tonight’s episode, the Committee drank tea and ate crumpets which were delicious!
3. A reminder to all Club Members – don’t forget to place a Foyle’s War picture in the room where you are attending the meeting. Tonight, as it is June 6th and so the very day of the actual anniversary of the D Day Landings, the F.N.F.W Committee decided for once, our picture wouldn’t be taken from Foyle’s War. Intead we displayed one of WW2 soldiers (to represent all those in all services and from all the Allied Countries, to whom we owe so much).
Broken Souls!
Tonight the International Friday Night Foyle’s War Club will be watching: Episode 2, Series 5*
October 1944: Foyle meets Josef Novak for a chess game. Novak is a Polish-Jewish psychiatrist at a nearby military mental-health institution where Dr Worth is found murdered. Foyle is called in, having to delegate the finding of a missing East End boy (formerly a child-evacuee in the Hastings area) to Sam. Meanwhile Fred Dawson, a crippled former POW, arrives back at his farm to find his wife and child being helped in the farm work by Johann, a German POW. Suspecting his wife Rose of an affair with Johann and resenting his easy manner with Fred and Rose’s son, the couple argue, and Johann is later found dead after escaping the camp. (The above information is taken from Wikipedia )
*N.B. The Episode categorisation is a complete muddle – The I.F.N.F.W.C. Committee has decided for clarity’s sake to categorise each episode as it is named on the ‘Foyle’s War: The Complete Collection’ dvd disc set. Wikipedia however, categorises ‘Broken Souls‘ as Episode 2, Series 6
Yours feeling our Club meeting to watch a fictional representation of WW2 was a really good finish up to all the BBC coverage today of the anniversary. Foyle’s War helped us to imagine some of what people went through seventy years ago,
This post is dedicated to my dad who landed on Gold Beach on D Day +4.